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Computer Science Projects deal with the study of computer, communication and network our main aid of computer science projects is implementing new computational theory, information technology and network architecture to evaluate computer domain to next level. BCA/MCA, Bsc/Msc and engineering students under CSE and IT students do their final year projects in computer science. We implement computer science projects in Android, Java and Dot net. We offer various domain and technology based computer science academic projects for all final year students.
Computing Environment:
We offer various computing such as cloud computing, mobile computing, interference computing, service computing, pervasive computing, and ubiquitous computing, parallel and distributed computing are recent domains in computer science projects. We develop computing project in java with Netbeans and eclipse IDE. We provide dot net framework as user friendly function and macros to design computing projects.
Aim of Computer Science Projects:
We implement computing projects ACM papers for:
Pattern Learning Projects:
We deploy pattern learning analysis process in natural language processing, machine learning, data mining, intelligent learning system and bio medical image processing. We provide Matlab, RTool, Scilab based tools, orange using efficient pattern analyzation techniques to extract back features.
Aid of Pattern Learning Projects:
We develop pattern learning projects for:
Security Related Computer Science Projects:
We propose security is very important to preserve information from attacker or any malicious function which is used in various computer science projects. Security concepts such as forensics, data base, computer & networking are used by us. We use biometric application to recognize authorized users. We use java and .net platform to develop database, cloud, forensics and military based security projects. We simulate wireless communication by NS2 & NS3, opnet, QUALNET and Omnet++. We develop bio metric security projects in java and .net.
Aim of Security Projects:
We propose security project for:
Big Data Computer Science Projects:
We implement big data which is a collection of complex large data set. We analyze big data behavior by cloud computing and data mining project. We use Hadoop map reduce framework in an efficient way to handle big data problem. Hadoop composed of map reduce & schedule function to distribute large scale data.
Aid of Big Data Projects:
We developed more than 85+ projects in big data and their goals are listed below: